
Material Master transfer from ECC to EWM

 Whenever we transfer the material through CIF, its maintained as Global data in EWM. /SAPAPO/mat1 - maintain Product : Global Data level if we forgot to change or add the gross unit of measurement or any details which are present in ECC, then in case of decentralized we can update  that data in EWM itself. How can we take up the material master change in ECC with the same data in case of decentralized? Material Master changes: To avoid data discrepancies, we need to transfer data from ERP to EWM system 1. Immediate transfer from ECC to EWM through BTE(Business transaction events) Integration with other sap components-> EWM->basic setting for data transfer->change transfer for master data -> configure change transfer for master data -> select BTE transfer (option 2) 2. Periodically Processing(Background jobs - ALE change pointers) 3. Also you can re-cif.. to transfer the updated data. /SCWM/MAT1 - Maintain warehouse product: Warehouse level

Number Range & Warehouse Mapping

 Number Ranges Required for: Only Physical Inventory is year specific. GR Storage Group --------Final destination (Warehouse Task will be created) Warehouse Task is an activity to execute some work - Putaway, Picking, Internal Warehouse Order is an executable package including one or more WT Warehouse Document: To update the tasks in database, we can not see at front end. VAS Order: Value added services like Preservations, fragile products Wave: collective processing of OBD's Physical Inventory docs Consolidation Group Indirect Level Tasks(ILT) - To maintain indirect labor costs, we require this number range Warehouse Mapping: EWM- INTERFACES- ERP Integration - General Settings - Check for ERP-EWM configuration Now Goto  EWM- INTERFACES- ERP Integration - General Settings - Map Wno from erp system to ewm ERP Plant - HS01 SLoc:  WNo- HS1 EWM warehouse HSWM the Warehouse mapping is complete

Activity Area & Bin Sorting

 Activity Area: Logical grouping of storage bins. These storage bins are of same storage type or multiple storage types Storage bins are further categorized in this activity area. It includes activities like picking, put away or a physical inventory. As per the activity, you can assign the same storage bin to multiple activity areas. SPRO- EWM- Master data -Activity Areas - Define Activities Warehouse Process Category is mandatory for creating new warehouse activity You cannot add new WPT in the system or neither can delete the existing ones. We have created new Activity RKAA. Now goto Define Activity Area- New Activity area AA01 created. When we generate AA with report, new activity area will be generated with the name of storage type and it will be assigned to the storage type.The Sort sequence for storage bins will also be maintained wrt to that AA and storage type  Storage bin sorting will be maintained with reference to Activity Area and Activity. We have to run a Bin Sor...

Storage Section and Storage Bins

 Storage Section - This is a part of storage type and represents a group of bins with same characteristics. Commonly used storage sections are fast moving or slow moving items, etc.  Storage section is optional. We have created below storage sections Storage Bins: are of 18 characters and unique across warehouse.To create storage bin, section is not mandatory. The Storage bins represent the physical location of storage space where the products are stored in Warehouse. They are at the lowest level of the organization structure and when you store an item in a Warehouse you need to mention its exact location. Define Storage bins Generate from Templates  upload program To create storage bin, Mandatory fields are Warehouse no and storage type. Storage bin type : used to determine storage bin depending upon capacity and characteristics of storage bin. To differentiate the storage bins, we use this. Bin Access type :A resource type qualification. Each bin access type reflects a ...

Storage Types

  Storage type is  Physical area where products are stored in a warehouse. This is a master data. New Entry to create storage type consist of below areas: General Area Putaway control area: how are we going to store products stock removal area Goods movement control Replenishment Storage type role:                                               Standard Storage Type                                A          Identification Point                                 B          Pick Point                                           C    ...

Data Transfer using CIF

 CIF- Core Interface We make a integration model and transfer the required data. tcode: CFM1 Once we activate the IM, then the data is distributed to EWM. tcode- CFM2 Goto tcode CFM1 Its divided to Material dependent & Material independent objects. The level at which we maintain material relevant data. eg Plant it comes under mat dependent object and SP comes under mat independent data. This application is used by APO, TM, and other SCM modules as well. Only below objects we distribute through CIF: Material plant batches Vendor shipping point  customers In projects, we can do this activity by background job by sequentially running below reports  RIMODDEL: Delete integration Models: we can select inactive IM and delete RIMODGEN: Create IM RIMODACT: Activate IM The transactional data is transferred through Queued RFC(Remote function call)